European Construction Market Forecasts to 2026 and Macroecenomic Projections
The future of European construction – Old markets, new structures



European construction: Moderate decline in 2024, recovery expected by 2025

The conference showed that total construction output is expected to fall in the EUROCONSTRUCT 19 area after 2023 also in 2024 for a second time in a row. This recent downturn is expected to be even stronger than in the year before. The problems of recent years (e.g., interest rate turnaround, inflation, rise in construction costs) will continue to weigh on building construction, while civil engineering is expected to expand strongly in 2024. The expansion is driven by a variety of investment needs, but above all by the financial backing of governments.

Press Release

Recent Market Reports


The EUROCONSTRUCT members would like to thank the organisers, sponsors, and participants of the 97th EC-Conference for their valuable contributions and active participation throughout the event. Your insightful perspectives and dedication have undoubtedly enriched our collective knowledge and fostered meaningful discussions. Thank you for making this conference a resounding success.



The programme may be subject to change



17:00 onwards

Networking Mingle, VIP only

Champagnebaren at Södra Teatern



Conference moderation

Nejra Macic, Nordic chief economist, Prognosesenteret / the4CastGroup
Bjørn-Erik Øye, Founder and senior partner, Prognosesenteret AS

Nejra is Prognosesenteret’s chief economist. She is responsible for Prognosesenteret’s analyses of the construction and real estate markets, as well as macroeconomic assessments. She is frequently invited as a speaker at conferences and in addition communicates Prognosesenteret’s analyses to the media.
She holds a master’s degree in Economics from the University of Oslo.




Welcome to Euroconstruct's 97th conference​

Bjørn-Erik Øye​

Prognosesenteret AS​


A global perspective on construction

Dario Aganovic

CEO Byggfakta Group

Dario is the CEO of Byggfakta Group. He is a versatile leader with a strong commercial and operational track record, demonstrating the ability to shape strategic transformation journeys and bring about real change. Dario has experience across various industries, primarily within companies backed by private equity funds.


European macroeconomic outlook –
Overall conclusions

Martin Kyed

Chief economist, Prognosecenteret at Byggefakta A/S (DK)

Martin Kyed has a Master’s degree in Economics and has worked in macroeconomics and economic policy in private consulting, the Ministry of Finance and a think tank since 2006. Since 2015, Martin has been chief economist at the Danish Society of Engineers, SME Denmark and now Prognosecenteret at Byggefakta Denmark, where he focuses on monitoring and forecasting the Danish construction market.


Coffee break


Building cost – A gordic knot? Status and future development - european building cost

Timo Koskinen, Head of Product & Analyst, Forecon OY

David Lund, Economist & Senior Analyst, Prognosesenteret AS

Timo Koskinen has worked as a management consultant and analyst in the construction sector at Forecon since 2018. Timo has a strong technical background in construction and he holds a master of science in civil engineering. Timo leads the ’Construction Costs’ -Product segment at Forecon, which is focused on providing cost realated insight and price forecasts to support companies decisions-making process and risk management. Timo collaborates with the several procurement managers of the largest construction companies in the Nordic countries, which gives him an excellent and up-to-date understanding of the current market situation as well as valuable knowledge for estimating future price developments.

David works as a senior analyst at Prognosesenteret, where he is responsible for creating forecasts for the construction and building markets, developing model tools, and assessing the developments in the macroeconomic situation. He holds a master’s degree in Economics from the University of Bergen.


Forecasts towards 2026 – residential sector
A growing backlog in new production?

Josep Ramon Fontana

Head of market research, ITeC

Josep Ramon Fontana is Head of Market Research at ITeC, The Catalonia Institute of Construction Technology, and editor of the Spanish country report for Euroconstruct. After 30+ years in the construction sector, he is still struggling to understand the intricacies of this market. His PhD in architecture has given him some hints of how building materials work, but not a single clue why companies are lured into such a tricky and volatile business, never mind how some of them become successful. He will probably never solve these mysteries, but that doesn’t stop him trying to make sense of this bizarre sector and do some storytelling around it.


The construction sector: labour mobility and productivity growth

Erling Røed Larsen

Professor and Head of Research, Housing Lab at Oslo Metropolitan University

Erling Røed Larsen is a professor of Economics at Oslo Metropolitan University, and he leads the research unit Housing Lab there. In addition, he is Head of Research at Samfunnsøkonomisk analyse, a consultancy, and Senior Economist II at Formue, a firm specializing in financial advice. He got his Ph.D. in Economics from the University of California, Berkeley, in 2001 and has been active in economic research since. He enjoys popularizing economics and has written regularly in Aftenposten, a leading Norwegian newspaper, for two decades and he has written five popular science books on Economics. He participates in the public debate, both on TV and in the newspapers, and holds talks on the housing market, the Norwegian economy, and the world economy.




Forecasts towards 2026 – all EC-19 markets.
A prosperous – but challenging future ahead.

Michael Weingärtler

Industry specialist, Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO)

Michael Weingärtler joined the Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO) in 1998, where he focuses on the analysis and forecasting of construction markets. As a member of the research group “Regional Economics and Spatial Analysis”, he also works on housing policy, public procurement and sustainability issues at the regional level.
He has been closely involved with the leading European construction market forecasting group EURCONSTRUCT, contributing to its publications and conferences, as well as to the network’s online initiatives. With numerous years of diverse experience spanning national and international projects, he brings expertise as a lecturer and consultant, focusing particularly on public goods.


Forecasts towards 2026 - non-residential sector
Upcoming positive trends

Antonella Stemperini

Researcher, CRESME

Graduated with honors in economics and possessing a background in statistics, she is a Senior Researcher at CRESME Ricerche (Economic and Social Studies Research Centre on the Construction Market and Territorial Planning), a non-profit association established in 1962 to promote and disseminate information on construction activity and territorial transformations.
Her role is focused on designing, directing, coordinating, and implementing numerous research projects, studies, and reports, as well as creating periodic informative newsletters. Her expertise extends to macroeconomic and forecasting analyses aimed at identifying trends, clusters, and medium-term scenarios. She conducts in-depth analyses of the construction market, defining strategic scenarios for sectoral and territorial development. Additionally, she oversees the monitoring of the public works tender market in certain territorial areas. She is the author of numerous articles and contributions for specialized magazines. For over two decades, she has represented CRESME as the Italian member of EUROCONSTRUCT.


Forecasts towards 2026 – civil engineering
The green deal is pushing investments

Mårten Pappila

Economist, Prognoscentret AB

Mårten is a Market analyst at Prognosecenteret, where he focuses on forecasting and analyzing the Nordic construction market. He has extensive experience in the public sector, including national accounts, financial statistics, and labor market analysis. He holds a master’s degree in economics from the School of Business, Economics and Law in Gothenburg.


Coffee break


EU policies for the green transition of construction

Philippe Moseley

Team leader at the European Commission


Our contribution to a more sustainable future

Erik Øyno



Navigating the future of construction - Challenges and opportunities

Lasse Jonasson

Director & Futurist, Copenhagen Institute for Future studies (CIFS)

Lasse Jonasson is a senior futurist and director at the The Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies, heading the advisory department. Lasse is primarily engaged in advisory of organizations within long term strategic transitions through scenario planning and through CIFS concept around Anticipatory Leadership and have years of experience in doing keynote talks. His competencies lie in anticipating changes and driving forces and applying these within the areas of future cities, mobility, the real estate market, and the financial industry.
Lasse has a master’s in business economics and have previously worked in the real estate industry and the financial industry with strategy and risk management.


Closing remarks

Bjørn-Erik Øye

Partner, Prognosesenteret


Bjørn-Erik Øye

Bjørn-Erik Øye

Founder & senior partner of Prognosesenteret AS

Nejra Macic

Nordic Chief Economist at Prognosesenteret AS / 4Cast Group

Dario Aganovic

Dario Aganovic

CEO OF Byggfakta Group

Josep Ramon Fontana

Josep Ramon Fontana

Head of market research, ITeC (ES)

Erling Røed Larsen

Erling Røed Larsen

Professor & Head of Research, Housing Lab at Oslo M University

Martin Kyed

Martin Kyed

Chief Economist AT Prognosecenteret A/S (DK)

Lasse Jonasson

Lasse Jonasson

Director & Futurist AT Copenhagen Institute for Future studies (DK)

Michael Weingärtler, WIFO

Michael Weingärtler

Industry Specialist AT Austrian Institute of Economic Research (AT)

Antonella Stemperini

Antonella Stemperini

Researcher AT CRESME (IT)

David Lund

David Lund

Economist & Senior Analyst AT Prognosesenteret AS (SE)


Mårten Pappila

Analyst AT Prognoscentret (SE)

Timo Koskinen

Timo Koskinen

Head of Product & Analyst AT Forecon OY (FI)


This conference offers a variety of options such as on-site or online participation.
Unlock added value with our exclusive offer: Benefit from our competitive rate and add an additional participant for just € 200!



from € 420
  • Participation/Livestream
    1 person
  • Lunch und coffee
  • Conference book
  • Conference Insight Dashboard
  • 3 EUROCONSTRUCT national reports + forecasts
  • All 19 EURCONSTRUCT national reports + forecasts
  • EUROCONSTRUCT Summary Report
  • Complete Excel dataset
  • Pre-Conference Mingle
    Monday 10th


from € 1,800
  • Participation/Livestream
    1 person
  • Lunch und coffee
  • Conference book
  • Conference Insight Dashboard
  • 3 EUROCONSTRUCT national reports + forecasts
  • All 19 EURCONSTRUCT national reports + forecasts
  • EUROCONSTRUCT Summary Report
  • Complete Excel dataset
  • Pre-Conference Mingle
    Monday 10th


from € 3,100
  • Participation
    2 persons
  • Lunch und coffee
  • Conference book
  • Conference Insight Dashboard
  • 3 EUROCONSTRUCT national reports + forecasts
  • All 19 EURCONSTRUCT national reports + forecasts
  • EUROCONSTRUCT Summary Report
  • Complete Excel dataset
  • Pre-Conference Mingle
    Monday 10th



The Conference Insight Dashboard is powered by Prognoscentret AB and Prognosesenteret AS. The application presents the most recent EUROCONSTRUCT forecast data (Winter 2023) in a series of intuitive dashboards for your selected countries. 

Stockholm Insights
  • Instant data access

    With your conference registration you will also have access to the 97th Euroconstruct forecasts towards 2026 and reports published on 11 June.

    Only available for Regional, Premium and VIP packages.


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Join our keynote speakers and learn more about the latest trends in European construction and the influencing factors behind them. Take advantage of our long history and in-depth regional and sector expertise.

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Engage with experts and industry leaders on the topics which matter most for you. There will be plenty of time for this in the numerous discussion panels throughout the conference.

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Power-up your network, meet potential business partners and take a closer look at our network and the people behind it.


Main conference venue
IVA Konferenscenter

Grev Turegatan 16
114 46 Stockholm
Find on Google Maps


General inquiries:

Conference and Pre-conference mingle:
Mr Bjorn-Erik Oye, Partner:

Ms Emelie Bratt, Project manager:

Reports and forecasts:
Mr Marten Pappila, Analyst:

Conference Insight dashboard:
Mr Sverre Bech-Sorensen, Data analyst:

Conference pre-event venue
Champagnebaren at Södra Teatern

Mosebacke torg 1-3
116 46 Stockholm
Find on Google Maps


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The EUROCONSTRUCT conferences are aimed at anyone interested in the economic development of the European construction industry. The focus is on decision-makers, strategic marketing staff and all those involved in construction forecasting. 

From an industry perspective, the event is aimed at the construction and construction supply industries. Attendees also include finance, insurance, consultancy and public institutions professionals. 

The majority of attendees are from Europe. They also come from countries looking to open up new business opportunities in Europe.


Mid- and large-sized building companies


Building design, building services, building materials, building chemistry, and construction machinery suppliers


Banks, financial and credit institutions, insurances


Property developers, investors, housing associations, project managers, architects and engineers


Government departments, agencies, European organisations, industry associations, national and international bodies.


We are very proud to present our conference partners Byggfakta Group, NCC, Isopartner, Nordan and Protan.

Make sure to visit all of our partner’s websites to explore their offerings. As a VIP package participant you will have an exclusive opportunity to meet with representatives from our partners during the pre-conference mingle.

Byggfakta Group is at the core of the construction ecosystem connecting all participants and combining data and software led insights to drive sales for customers. Our insights support customers to reach the right audience at the right time through multiple product touchpoints to increase sales efficiency. We are positioned to drive the construction industry´s digital transformation through our subscription-based sales intelligence platform. Our solutions help to address pain points across the value chain through data led insights and software enabled workflows.
Discover our partner

NCC is one of the leading construction companies in the Nordics. Based on its expertise in managing complex construction processes, NCC contributes to a positive impact of construction for its customers and society. Operations include building and infrastructure project contracting, asphalt andstone materials production, and commercial property development. Discover our partner

The NorDan Group (NorDan Gruppen AS) was founded in 1926 and has since become one of the leading manufacturers of sustainable window and door solutions in the Nordics, the United Kingdom, and Ireland. The group comprises 12 factories and 30 sales offices across Norway, Sweden, Poland, Lithuania, the UK, Ireland, and China. It has about 2,300 employees and 4.9bn NOK in revenue.
Discover our partner

Protan AS has been in business for over 80 years for roofing, tunnels, and technical textiles. Their commitment to quality, sustainability, and global export has solidified their position as a leading roofing contractor in the Nordic region.

Protan Group is a Norwegian industrial conglomerate that specializes in membrane technology. Protan develop and produce high-quality membranes for roofs, tunnels, and technical textiles. Since its establishment, over 80 years ago, Protan has been a key player in the membrane technology industry, providing innovative solutions Additionally, Protan customizes ventilation systems for mines and tunnels.

These products are exported worldwide, making Protan one of the leading roofing contractors in the Nordic region. Protan is committed to environmental responsibility, choosing eco-friendly raw materials and minimizing resource usage throughout their product lifecycle. They collaborate with organizations, suppliers, and customers to promote sustainability.
Discover our partner

ISOPARTNER is a premier wholesaler of insulation solutions, offering a vast range of top industry A-brands and high-quality options. Strategically positioned across the Nordic region and Europe, we serve a broad spectrum of clients in the industrial, construction, HVAC, marine, and offshore sectors. Our diverse product range includes thermal, acoustic, high-temperature and fire protection insulation, along with industrial cladding. Our warehouses provide instant access to a comprehensive product range, available for immediate pickup or swift direct delivery to customer locations. We are dedicated to outstanding customer service, offering 24/7 e-commerce platform access and buying assistance during business hours. As the go-to continuous source for technical insulation, our product range and expertise position us as a strategic partners to our customers. As part of the IPCOM group with 1,300 employees in 16 countries, ISOPARTNER stands for excellence in insulation solutions.
Discover our partner



Dublin, Ireland
(c) Andrei Carina on
96th Conference
Amsterdam, Netherlands
95th Conference
95th Conference
91th to 94th Conference

Winter 2022 - London, United Kingdom

Summer 2022 - Warsaw, Poland

Winter 2021 - Verona, Italy

Summer 2021 - Vienna, Austria

71th to 90th Conference

Winter 2020 - Munich, Germany

Summer 2020 - Stockholm, Sweden

Winter 2019 - Warsaw, Poland

Winter 2018 - Paris, France

Summer 2018 - Helsinki, Finland

Winter 2017 - Munich, Germany

Summer 2017 - Amsterdam, Netherlands

Winter 2016 - Barcelona, Spain

Summer 2016 - Dublin, Ireland

Winter 2015 - Budapest, Hungary

Summer 2015 - Warsaw, Poland

Winter 2014 - Milan, Italy

Summer 2014 - Oslo, Norway

Winter 2013 - Prague, Czech Republic

Summer 2013 - Copenhagen, Denmark

Winter 2012 - Munich, Germany

Summer 2012 - London, United Kingdom

Summer 2011 - Paris, France

Summer 2011 - Helsinki, Finland

2001 – 2010
51st to 70th Conference

Winter 2010 - Budapest, Hungary

Summer 2010 - Dublin, Ireland

Winter 2009 - Zurich, Switzerland

Summer 2009 - Warsaw, Poland

Winter 2008 - Brussels, Belgium

Summer 2008 - Rome, Italy

Winter 2007 - Vienna, Austria

Summer 2007 - Prague, Czech Republic

Winter 2006 - Munich, Germany

Summer 2006 - Amsterdam, Netherlands

Winter 2005 - Barcelona, Spain

Summer 2005 - Cardiff, United Kingdom

Winter 2004 - Paris, France

Summer 2004 - Stockholm, Sweden

Winter 2003 - Funchal, Madeira

Summer 2003 - Budapest, Hungary

Winter 2002 - Munich, Germany

Summer 2002 - Dublin, Ireland

Winter 2001 - Rome, Italy

Summer 2001 - Copenhagen, Denmark

1991 – 2000
31st to 50th Conference

Winter, 2000 - Paris, France

Summer, 2000 - Vienna, Austria

January 2000 - Cambridge, United Kingdom

Summer, 1999 - Prague, Czech Republic

Winter, 1998 - Berlin, Germany

Summer, 1998 - Lisboa, Portugal

Winter, 1997 - Barcelona, Spain

Summer, 1997 - Rome, Italy

Winter, 1996 - Paris, France

Summer, 1996 - Amsterdam, Netherlands

Winter, 1995 - Budapest, Hungary

Summer, 1995 - London, United Kingdom

Winter, 1994 - Zurich, Switzerland

Summer, 1994 - Lillehammer, Norway

Winter, 1993 - Munich, Germany

Summer, 1993 - Copenhagen, Denmark

Winter, 1992 - Paris, France

Summer, 1992 - Helsinki, Finnland

Winter, 1991 - Barcelona, Spain

Summer, 1991 - Rome, Italy

1981 – 1990
11th to 30th Conference

Winter, 1990 - Munich, Germany

Summer, 1990 - London, United Kingdom

Winter, 1989 - Paris, France

Summer, 1989 - Amsterdam, Netherlands

Winter, 1988 - Vienna, Austria

Summer, 1988 - Edinbourgh, United Kingdom

Winter, 1987 - Munich, Germany

Summer, 1987 - Zurich, Switzerland

Winter, 1986 - Lyon, France

Summer, 1986 - Copenhagen, Denmark

Winter, 1985 - Venice, Italy

Summer, 1985 - London, United Kingdom

Winter, 1984 - Munich, Germany

Summer, 1984 - Paris, France

Winter, 1983 - Rome, Italy

Summer, 1983 - London, United Kingdom

Winter, 1982 - Copenhagen, Denmark

Summer, 1982 - Vienna, Austria

Winter, 1981 - Munich, Germany

Summer, 1981 - Paris, France

1974 – 1980
1st to 10th Conference

Winter, 1980 - London, United Kingdom

Summer, 1980 - Rome, Italy

Winter, 1979 - Rotterdam, Netherlands

Summer, 1979 - London, United Kingdom

Winter, 1978 - Paris, France

Summer, 1978 - London, United Kingdom

Winter, 1977 - Munich, Germany

Summer, 1977 - Paris, France

Winter, 1976 - Rome, Italy

Autumn, 1974 - Munich, Germany


$ 2,000

Networking Evening

Conference Participation

Summary Report

Conference Report


$ 2,600

Networking Evening

Conference Participation

Conference Report

Summary Report
+ Country Report


$ 1,000

Networking Evening

Conference Participation

Summary Report

Conference Report