

Summary Report

Europe-wide sectoral construction market overview
Comprehensive and well illustrated sectoral mid-term forecasts
EUROCONSTRUCT provides detailed bi-annual forecasts for the overall economy and all main construction sectors: residential construction, non-residential construction and civil engineering.


General economic and demographic information

2021 – 27: Absolute number or percentage

Population, households and unemployed, in thousands
Unemployment rate, in %
Consumer and construction prices, year to year change in %
Short-term and long-term interest rates, in %

2023: Output in billion euros
2021-27: year to year change, % in real terms

Gross domestic product
Private and public consumption 
Gross domestic fixed capital formation split by total and construction
Stocks, contribution as % of GDP
Exports and import

Construction by type

2023: Output in million euros
2021-27: year to year change, % in real terms

Residential construction split by new, renovation, total
Non-residential construction split by new, renovation, total
Building construction split by new, renovation, total
Civil engineering split by new, renovation, total
Total construction output
Domestic cement consumption

Residential construction

2021-27: Number of dwellings in thousands

Residential building permits split by 1+2 family houses and flats
Housing starts split by 1+2 family houses and flats
Housing completions split by 1+2 family houses and flats

Housing stock
     – thereof second homes
     – thereof vacancies

Home ownership rate, in %

New non-residential construction

2023: Output in million euros
2021-27: year to year change, % in real terms

Educational buildings
Health buildings
Industrial buildings
Storage buildings
Office buildings
Commercial buildings
Agricultural buildings

Total civil engineering

2023: Output in million euros
2021-27: year to year change, % in real terms

Transport infrastructure
     – thereof road 
     – thereof railway
      – other transport
Energy works
Water works

Regional Coverage

BIG-5 Countries
France, Germany, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom

Northern Countries
Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Norway, Sweden

Smaller Countries
Austria, Belgium, Netherlands, Portugal, Switzerland

Eastern Countries
Czechia, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia

Zeichenfläche 3

Countries in dark grey are not part of the EUROCONSTRUCT network, but hey are covered by our network members Buildecon / EECFA Research Centre and Forecon.

Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovenia, Turkey, Ukraine
Contact: Mr Janos Gaspar, Buildecon,

Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. 
Contact: Mr Markku Riihimäki, Forecon,