Speaker announcement
In addition to the first group of speakers, we are pleased to announce M. Taco von Hoek, Director of EIB, Netherlands and Mr Michael Weingärtler, Construction Market Specialist at the Austrian Insitute of Economic Research. All speakers and information about the event can be found in the conference section.
Taco van Hoek
Economisch Instituut voor de Bouw Netherlands
Taco van Hoek has been the Economic Institute for Construction and Housing (EIB) managing director since 2006. From 2001 to 2006 he was a deputy director at the Central Planning Bureau, the main advisory body for the Dutch Government on economic affairs. In the period from 2006 onwards the EIB has published numerous reports on the developments within the construction sector as well as in-depth analyses of policy issues related to various markets that directly and indirectly affect the construction and the built environment. At the conference, Taco van Hoek will present the latest results of a scenario study for the Dutch Construction Sector and what can be learned from this study from a broader international perspective.
European macroeconomic outlook

Michael Weingärtler
Specialist for Construction Markets
Austrian Institute of Economic Research
Michael Weingaertler is a construction market expert at the Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO), focusing on the analysis and forecasting of construction markets. As part of the “Structural Change and Regional Development” research group, he works on aspects of the construction market such as macroeconomic issues, innovation, sustainability and housing policy. He has been closely associated with the Euroconstruct group for 25 years. He contributes to Euroconstruct publications, organises conferences and is responsible for the network’s online activities.
European construction market outlook to 2025

Vera Uunk
EIB - Economisch Instituut voor de Bouw
Researcher and organiser of the 95th EUROCONSTRUCT Conference, Amsterdam
Vera Uunk
EIB - Economisch Instituut voor de Bouw
Researcher and organiser of the 95th EUROCONSTRUCT Conference, Amsterdam