Second speaker announcement
We are excited to announce the second part of distinquised speakers of the 97th EUROCONSTRUCT conference who will share their insights on the European construction market on 11 June 2024 in Stockholm, Sweden. See conference section for more information.
Dario Aganovic
CEO Byggfakta Group
Dario Aganovic has been Group CEO of Byggfakta Group since 2022. He holds a B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering from Uppsala University and a Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering and Management from KTH Royal Institute of Technology. He holds several positions, including Chairman of the Board of Logent Group and Board member of Avonlea AB, Avonlea Holding AB and Pavilion Road Capital AB.
His most recent positions were Group CEO of AddVision GmbH and Group CEO of CCS Healthcare Nordic AB. During the last five years he has also been a board member of Samhall AB and Hermes Medical Solutions AB.
Contact: info@byggfaktagroup.com

Erling Røed Larsen
Professor and Head of Research, Housing Lab at Oslo Metropolitan University
Erling Røed Larsen is a professor of Economics at Oslo Metropolitan University, and he leads the research unit Housing Lab there. In addition, he is Head of Research at Samfunnsøkonomisk analyse, a consultancy, and Senior Economist II at Formue, a firm specializing in financial advice. He got his Ph.D. in Economics from the University of California, Berkeley, in 2001 and has been active in economic research since. He enjoys popularizing economics and has written regularly in Aftenposten, a leading Norwegian newspaper, for two decades and he has written five popular science books on Economics. He participates in the public debate, both on TV and in the newspapers, and holds talks on the housing market, the Norwegian economy, and the world economy.
Contact: erling.roed.larsen@oslomet.no

Lasse Jonasson
Director & Futurist, Copenhagen Institute for Future studies
Lasse Jonasson is a senior futurist and director at the The Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies, heading the advisory department. Lasse is primarily engaged in advisory of organizations within long term strategic transitions through scenario planning and through CIFS concept around Anticipatory Leadership and have years of experience in doing keynote talks. His competencies lie in anticipating changes and driving forces and applying these within the areas of future cities, mobility, the real estate market, and the financial industry.
Lasse has a master’s in business economics and have previously worked in the real estate industry and the financial industry with strategy and risk management.
Contact: lj@cifs.dk

Timo Koskinen
Head of Product & Analyst, Forecon OY
Timo Koskinen has worked as a management consultant and analyst in the construction sector at Forecon since 2018. Timo has a strong technical background in construction and he holds a master of science in civil engineering. Timo leads the ’Construction Costs’ -Product segment at Forecon, which is focused on providing cost realated insight and price forecasts to support companies decisions-making process and risk management. Timo collaborates with the several procurement managers of the largest construction companies in the Nordic countries, which gives him an excellent and up-to-date understanding of the current market situation as well as valuable knowledge for estimating future price developments.
Contact: timo.koskinen@forecon.fi

David Lund
Economist & Senior Analyst, Prognosesenteret AS
David works as a senior analyst at Prognosesenteret, where he is responsible for creating forecasts for the construction and building markets, developing model tools, and assessing the developments in the macroeconomic situation. He holds a master’s degree in Economics from the University of Bergen.
Contact: dl@prognosesenteret.no

Emelie Bratt
Prognoscentret AB
Emelie Bratt is project manager at Prognoscentret AB.
Conference contacts
All information about the event can be found in the conference section.
General inquiries:
Conference and Pre-conference mingle:
Mr Bjorn-Erik Oye, Partner:
Ms Emelie Bratt, Project manager:
Reports and forecasts:
Mr Marten Pappila, Analyst: mp@prognoscentret.se
Conference Insight dashboard:
Mr Sverre Bech-Sorensen, Data analyst: sbs@prognosesenteret.no
We are proud to have the following partners on board for the 97th EUROCONSTRUCT Conference
- Byggfakta Group
- NorDan
Emelie Bratt
Prognoscentret AB
Emelie Bratt is project manager at Prognoscentret AB.